Certification & Training

MQS personnel internal Training

MQS closely monitors and pays great attention to the new technologies and materials. As a result of this, the company continually provides training courses conducted by experts in their field. This training allow continuous improvement of all its personnel.

The complex comprises training rooms, medical center, store rooms, canteen for employees and corporate offices.

The welding school is housed in a separate building and is equipped with 20 individual welding bays each with dedicated fume extraction facilities.

MQS also operates an assessment program for all personnel in order to establish the need for additional training.

MQS personnel external Training

MQS recognizes the need to continually train its personnel it differing methods of work and has in the recent past sent personnel for competency training to:

  • Ameron in Holland for GRE pipework
  • NACE courses for paint inspectors
  • Welding Inspection Course
  • Slinging and rigging courses for riggers
  • Offshore Survival Course

Training of Non-MQS personnel

The MQS training services are available for external clients. MQS regularly trains welders and inspection personnel.